
CBSE Class 6 – Important Notes & Questions [pdf]

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We have prepared a complete study package for CBSE Class VI Aspirants, that will help them in revising and retaining important topics and formulas that are relevant for the board exams.


We have prepared a complete study package for CBSE Class VI Aspirants, that will help them in revising and retaining important topics and formulas that are relevant for the board exams.

Package Includes:

• Chapter Wise & Marking Scheme Wise: Important questions and their solutions

• Summarised View: of each chapter on just 1 page for quick revision before the exam

• Graphical Mind-Maps to retain each chapter in student’s mind

• Practise Papers [On CBSE Exam Pattern] to solve yourself and see how much you understand. After solving, compare it with our given solutions to cover the gap

• Most Asked Exam Questions [Fully Solved] of each subject


Everything in Downloadable PDF Format so that you can revise anytime.

Subjects Included:

The revision pack consist of all major subjects like Maths, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, IT etc.

We can say it with conviction that you will be able to score 90% above, after preparing from our notes.